Safehaven Blanket Appeal

This Christmas we would love to give the gift of a ‘Brand New Warm Blanket’ to our Safehaven Men, Women and Families. Please bring new blankets on Sundays to the drop point at the back of church or donate directly via the link below.

And join us on Sunday 26th November 1-3pm for our festive blanket wrapping afternoon.

Hostels Christmas Party Hampers

We would love to bless the local hostels with party hampers this Christmas full of goodies for the residents and keyworkers to have a Christmas celebration together.

Please bring any donations to church on Sundays during November and join us for a packing afternoon on Sunday 26th November 1-3pm

Hamper gift list:-

  • Decorations – either for communal area or individual rooms
  • Nibbles – include a variety of dietary alternatives i.e. vegan/gluten free
  • Games – ideally games that can be adapted to play with small or large numbers
  • Christmas Crackers – ideally one per hostel guest and staff member
  • Party poppers, blowers
  • Glitter/face gems
  • Christmas cake (no alcohol)
  • Mince pies
  • Luxury tea, hot chocolate, marshmallows

Anything else that would help to make it feel like a party!