The Alpha Course

Explore life's biggest questions

Ask the questions you’ve always wanted to ask, without anything getting in the way. Alpha is a 10-week course that explores faith, meaning and purpose. We get together every week to watch a talk and explore life’s biggest questions. There’s no pressure or follow-up. Everyone is welcome. And it’s completely free.

How it works

First, we meet and catch up over dinner.
(Alpha is free but we suggest a £4 donation towards food)

We watch a 25-minute film that’s designed to inspire questions.

Share your thoughts and questions in relaxed small groups.

‘The hardest part was just showing up the first night. Alpha became a community where I could kind of air all my questions, share my dirty laundry, and nobody looked at me any differently.’
– Richard

More info

Current course started on Wednesday 25th September, runs for 10 weeks and finishes on 4th December

Next course begins: Wednesday in January 2025

Where: St Peter’s Church Brighton – Richmond Place Entrance

Time: 7-9pm

Fee: £0